VIVA LA RADIO! ® Sinfonica Europe
Verona / Itália
“ Symphony of the soul ”
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Informações da rádio
Segmentos: Classical
Cidade: Verona
Estado: Região de Veneto
País: Itália
Informações extras
Viva La Radio! Sinfonica the European broadcaster that transmits live concert performances, an important choice that favors the diffusion of free music and of "quality". Viva La Radio! Sinfonica, the first ever European radio station dedicated to symphonic music, was created with the precise aim of collecting free contributions from artists and performers who are licensed under Creative Commons. Classical music has always represented the freedom of the spirit and the expression for human emotions The aim of this format is to respect the nature of the great works of Mahler, Prokofiev, Shostakovic, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Beethoven
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